The CIOC Online Resources software provides tools for managing Organizations, Programs, Contacts, Topics, Businesses, Volunteer Opportunities and more. It is comprised of a Community Resources module, Connecting Communities: and a Volunteer Opportunities module, Connecting Volunteers:
This software module is designed for storing and searching Community Service organizations and programs, businesses, contacts and topic records. Supports integration with a number of standard classification systems including the AIRS / INFO LINE Taxonomy of Human Services and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), with significant support for custom classifications.
This software module is designed for storing and searching Volunteer Opportunities, Volunteer Referrals, and Volunteer Centre membership. Potential Volunteers may create custom search profiles and be notified of new Opportunities matching their criteria. This module operates co-operatively with the Community Resources module, which is used to store contact information and details about the Organizations and Programs offering opportunities.