CIOC CIOC Remote Search and Details WordPress Plug-in Reference

Integrate data from your CIOC Applications into a WordPress or Joomla site using the CIOC CMS plug-ins.

Below is documentation for configuring WordPress shortcodes for the CIOC Remote Search and Details WordPress Plug-in.

Learn More About CIOC CMS Plug-ins »

This documentation is for the following versions: Please ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of the plug-in.


Installing the Plug-in

Currently, the WordPress Plug-ins are available only through manual install by downloading the appropriate zip file(s) from the project repository. Use the Upload Plugin option from within WordPress to install the zip file, then Activate the plug-in to begin using it. Information on manual plug-in installation is available from

The code repositories for this project are available at:

CIOC API Reference and Configuration

This plug-in works against the CIOC Remote Search and Details API. Many settings, including the fields and data avaialble, are determined by the API setup and not the WordPress plugin. Please access the documentation for the CIOC Remote Search and Details API for information on customizing data sets, fields, record details pages, and so on.

When configuring an API Account, please take proper security measures to ensure that the API Account is configured to have access only to appropriate Views, Records, and Fields.

Obtaining an API ID and Password

To use the plug-in, you must have an active API ID from the target database connected to an account with permissions to access the "CIOC Remote Search and Details API" (this setting is part of the User Type in CIOC). The CIOC User account with permissions for the API can sign into CIOC to generate an API ID/Password pair for each site. Click on your user name in the top site-bar menu to access the My Account page.

My Account > Manage API IDs

Best Practices for configuring API IDs:

CIOC API Settings

After installing the plug-in, you should access the CIOC API Settings withing WordPress to configure the database URL, API ID and Password.

WordPress Admin > Settings > CIOC API Settings

The only mandatory settings are:

Each time you load the Settings page, including after submitting changes, the plug-in attempts to verify your settings by testing a basic login. Always look for a green success message at the top of the Settings page.

The Plug-in requires access to the FontAwesome font library and a small portion of the BootStrap library. If you already include these libraries, you may choose to block the plug-in from adding them.

If you wish to be able to display a Google Map of record address on your record details pages, you must register for a Google Maps API Key for your site and add it to the Settings. Information about obtaining a key can be found here.

Shortcode Reference

Once the plug-in has been installed, and you have configured your settings with your CIOC API ID and Password, you can get started displaying data in your WordPress site. The following section outlines the options available for customizing the shortcodes for this plug-in. For reference, WordPress shortcodes follow a pattern such as [shortcode attribute1="value 1" attribute2="value 2"].

Changing the View or Language

All Shortcodes described in later sections include the ability to change the default View or Language using two standard attributes.

The language of records requested will default to whatever is the default for the site URL you provided. To explicitly change to another language, use ln="en-CA" (English), ln="fr-CA (French), etc.

Whenever possible, use a URL for the target database that already goes to the View (Portal) for records that you want to use. If a special URL is not available, you can switch to a different View # using viewtype="123" where 123 is the View ID number. You cannot switch to Views that the CIOC Account tied to the API ID cannot access..

Count All Records

The Count All shortcode provides a total count of all records in the current View/Language. Access this shortcode with:


Browse Categories

This shortcode generates a list of categories with an optional count and a link to execute a search based on that category. By default, this page will list whatever categories are part of the current View's "Quick List". Access this shortcode with:


You can customize this shortcode with the following attributes:

You must set one of three possible targets for search results:
  1. Include a Search Results shortcode on the same page, or ...
  2. Turn on the CIOC Search Results shortcode attribute to have the results post to the source CIOC site, or ...
  3. Provide a specific URL, such as another page on your site with the search results shortcode, to which the results should be posted

Generate a Search Form

Access this shortcode with:


You can customize this shortcode with the following attributes:

You must set one of three possible targets for search results:
  1. Include a Search Results shortcode on the same page, or ...
  2. Turn on the CIOC Search Results shortcode attribute to have the results post to the source CIOC site, or ...
  3. Provide a specific URL, such as another page on your site with the search results shortcode, to which the results should be posted

Generate individual Search Form Elements

If you need a more customized search form, you can generate your own form HTML and use shortcodes to generate specific elements such as drop-down lists and auto-suggest-ready keyword inputs.

Auto-suggest Keyword Input

Access this shortcode with:


You can customize this shortcode with the following attributes:

Community Drop-down

Access this shortcode with:


You can customize this shortcode with the following attributes:

Quicklist / Category List Drop-down

Access this shortcode with:


You can customize this shortcode with the following attributes:

Quicklist / Category List Buttons

Access this shortcode with:


You can customize this shortcode with the following attributes:

Age Group Drop-down

Access this shortcode with:


You can customize this shortcode with the following attributes:

Search Results

Access this shortcode with:


You can customize this shortcode with the following attributes:

You must set one of two possible targets for search results:
  1. Turn on the CIOC Details shortcode attribute to have the record details link post to the source CIOC site, or ...
  2. Provide a specific URL, such as another page on your site with the record details shortcode, to which the results should be posted

Display Record

Access this shortcode with:


By default, this shortcode responds to a URL parameter to the current page containing a specific record number. For example if the page with the shortcode was, a specific number could be sent to that page with (where ABC1234 is the record number). This empty shortcode is how you can create a target detail page for search results.

If you would like to always display a specific record, add the shortcode attribute num="ABC1234" (where ABC1234 is the record number).